Monday, October 14, 2013

A Day in Shrewsbury

The Today Peter, Debbie and I took a ride to Shrewsbury which is about  70 mile drive across the border of Noth Wales into northern Englad.  If you are a fan of the Br Cadfael mysteries you will recognize the names Shrewsbury because it is the setting of of these mystery stories.  Shrewsbury is quite a large town but is filled charming buildings with great history.  I will post a few images of the city

The nightlight of our trip was the visit to the ancient cathedral that was originally a Benedictine Abbey but was dissolved by Henry VIII at the time of the English Reformation.  Here are a few pictures of the cathedral

in the aftermath of the English Reformation certain radical elements did their best to remove any Catholic elements from churches.  You can see in the picture above that one statue was removed from the facade of the cathedral and the other statue was defaced.

After our tour of the cathedral we had a lovely dinner at a restaurant near the Cathedral. The food was excellent.  The drive back took about 1.5 hours and on the wat we stopped at a local supermarket. I found it fascinating seeing not only products unique to this area but also some very American items on the shelves.

In the evening we had light supper of cheese, bread and fruit and the watched some TV before retiring.  All in all it was a great day.  I have developed a little head cold.  I probably got it on the plane over here but the rainy and cold each day has helped much.  Fortunately Debbie is a doctor so she has made me quite comfortable.